How social media led U.S. astray in Egypt
Speaking from his 30 years of experience as a regular Egypt correspondent, Mr. Viviano makes points about Egypt, and about the coverage of the "revolution," that I haven't read anywhere else, including in the Economist; and they're important points. The situation in Egypt isn't what we think it is; it may be much worse than we think it is. Read the article.
For that matter, there isn't much the U.S. can do about Egypt, any more than we can "do anything" about Syria. What would we do, send in the 101st Airborne? I fully support President Obama's hesitation to take "firm action" there - what firm action?
P.S. A Letter to the Editor in today's Chronicle, also supporting Obama's Egypt stance, read, "Since when is the United States policeman to the world?" I read that and thought, since about 1947, as a matter of fact. (Do these people actually not understand 20th century history??)