He didn't seem very happy.
I got my long lens out and took a couple of closeups:

He looks ill, doesn't he?

The next day, we saw either the same bird, or a different bird with the same problem, sitting on the woodpile in the back yard. I didn't take any other pictures, but I walked out to look at him, and he didn't look any better than this. It's a very unusual scrub jay that will let a human being walk to within 3 feet of him. I saw a (healthy) scrub jay fly off the woodpile when a squirrel jumped off the fence onto the pile, and got within 3 feet of him. This guy just sat and stared at me, breathing very fast.
I wondered if I should report it, but to whom? Who cares about scrub jays?
I was driving down Fairmont Avenue a few years ago and a beautiful orange-brown squirrel was lying in the middle of the road. A car had run over his leg, and he was rolling around in agony. Cars were driving right over him as if he wasn't there. I wanted to "save" him but knew this to be a futile gesture. I stopped the car and made a motion to go over to him, but some teenage lout in a Mustang nearly ran me over pushing right by me. Just then another man from across the side of the street carried a piece of cardboard over, lifted the poor thing up and threw it onto the edge of the road. People are callous, I thought, they see a creature writhing in agony, but are too busy to bother, and just push on ahead. On the other hand, what can you do? Wild animals aren't pets, and nature is a cruel mistress. She kills wholesale with or without our destructive technologies. Definitely a futile notion on my part....