Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm being published!

This is mildly amazing to me.  Late last year, the Cal Alumni Association group on LinkedIn sent out a call for submissions - the Association plans to publish a literary anthology of stories about student life at U.C. Berkeley, written entirely by U.C. alumni.  Authors had to attend after 1960 - they only want stories since 1960.

OK, I attended Berzerkeley during that period - I was there from September 1963 through December 1968.  So I decided to write up my memories of the Free Speech Movement.  I drafted the account, pared it down under 700 words as required, went over it a few times, and - sent it off.  That was the day after Christmas.  Checking my email archives, I see they told me originally that they notify me "by the end of the month" - of January.  I didn't hear from them, and it slipped my mind.

Today, I got an email from the coordinator - they've accepted my piece!  I'm going to be published in an actual book, with pages and covers!  I'm not getting paid for this, but what the hey.  I've sent back the signed Contributor Agreement - now to sit and wait for a publication date.  I guess I'm an author.


  1. Congratulations! A similar thing happened to me once. I was in a Spanish class at U of Guam in 1969 (never mind, long story) and one of the projects was to translate one of the early missionaries' journals. About ten years later Mom was cataloging books at Bishop Museum and discovered my name in the front as a contributing author/editor/translator or something. Surprised the heck out of both her and me.

  2. Hooray! Congratulations!

  3. Yay! Congrats, Hedera!
