The Hobby Lobby decision is a war on poor women.
The women directly affected work for Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby is bragging today that it has raised its "minimum wage" to $14.50 an hour and its part-timers get $9.50 an hour. Well, goody for them. According to Planned Parenthood, IUDs (one of the 2 methods that Hobby Lobby objects to) cost between $500 and $1000. If you work 40 hours a week at $14.50 an hour, you make $580 a week - before withholding. So an IUD, if that's what you need, will cost you all of one week's and part of a second week's net pay. Or more. And that assumes 40 hours a week. If you work part-time you get $9.50 an hour and I won't even bother to calculate how that stacks up against the cost of an IUD.
Hobby Lobby, at least, is only objecting to 2 methods of contraception. But the ripples are spreading - just today, Eden Foods, a maker of soy milk, has announced that the 150 people who work for them will not get any paid contraceptives at all. Eden Foods is closely held and the owner is Catholic - and he's refusing to pay for anything that "prevents procreation." He sued about being forced to cover contraceptives, and was refused by the U.S. Court of Appeals, on the grounds that a for-profit corporation couldn't exercise religion. The day after the Hobby Lobby decision, SCOTUS vacated that ruling and sent the case back to the Court of Appeals "for further consideration."
This is a war against poor women. Well-to-do women can pay for contraceptives themselves. How much money do you have to make before you can drop $500 on birth control? How much before you can drop $1000? What if you're married with kids? I'd stop and think before paying $1000 for anything out of my pocket.
One could argue that this is merely a salvo in a larger attempt to reduce women to mere chattels again, with no voice in society and no ability to make their own decisions on when and whether to have children. That war is going on. But this specific decision is just a skirmish in it.
The most ironic statement of all came from Justice Alito:
“The most straightforward way of doing this would be for the Government to assume the cost of providing the four contraceptives at issue to any women who are unable to obtain them under their health-insurance policies due to their employers’ religious objections,” he writes in the opinion.
So here it is: a prescription for single payer, direct from the Supreme Court. I thought we should have gone straight for single payer years ago, when this whole argument started. Can we reconsider Obamacare and go where every other civilized nation in the world has gone, now?
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